Sunday, December 07, 2008

Bored and Single in Boise = Sucks

I am in a kind of bad/depressed mood.

This whole being single during the holidays thing kind of sucks. I have come to the conclusion that I should get pro-active about finding a girlfriend to hang out with. How I am to go about doing this is beyond me. No available women at work...none that I would ever consider going out with anyways. No church community to tap into. No friends with cute friends to hook me up with. BTW if you are a friend and have a cute and non-crazy friend to hook me up with, do so now. I just have been doing some cool stuff lately and it would be nice to have a significant other to talk about things with.

In a similar vein, I find myself getting slightly bored with Boise again. I am having a hard time finding stuff to do that interests me. The Boise Flickr group kind of sucks. We almost never do anything and when we do, the same people show up. Oh yeah, most of them are guys too. If I had a girlfriend, I don't think I would get bored as much. Significant others tend to be time sinks, which is good because I have a ton of time to sink right now.

I have been dreaming in Japanese again. I have been back for almost a year now but I still remember the vast majority of Japanese I learned. When I dream in Japanese that is a signal that I am homesick for Japan. I have to admit, I have been really homesick for Japan lately. The irony is, if I were in Japan right now, I would be homesick for here so I am screwed either way. At least when I was lonely/single in Japan, I had an excuse. Here I don't get that luxury.

I have decided I need to take a road trip. The problem is that I do not have the time or money to do so and the locations I want to hit would probably not jive weather-wise. I want to make it up to Canada to visit Reid and Karie but am fairly certain the roads would not be the best to drive on right now. Since I cannot make a road trip right now, I have been planning my next big one that I hope to do this summer. I am going to start by going South, like to New Mexico and Texas. I would then head East and make my way across Louisiana and Mississippi and eventually, Florida. Once I hit Florida, I would turn North and hit the Carolinas and Washington D.C. and then New York City. After New York, I would turn West and head back home. I am not sure how long this roadtrip will take or how much money it would cost. I have friends in DC that owe me a couch for a few nights but I am lacking in Southern friends to crash with. Sleeping in my car is an option and so are hotels, but hotels cost money and I am trying to keep the price realistic. Oh yeah, I am going through the South because it is the only part of the United States I have never seen other than Hawaii. Flying is also out of the question because I don't have a specific destination for this trip. I have this weird drive to see all fifty states and flying doesn't help that out. As it stands I think I am in the mid-twenties so I am about halfway through. Roadtrips are also preferred because they provide more of an experience than flying does. Driving allows me to meander and hit strange places that I happen to come across, flying just gets me there. If I were to fly, it would be to DC or New York but I really do want to drive.

In other news, I am all registered for next semester are that means about $1700 in new debt. This is depressing because it always seems like when I am financially on track, something comes along to screw it up. After this next semester, I have three more classes, one in summer school and two during the Fall. So this whole thing about getting my special ed certificate will have taken me about a year, not bad as long as it gets me a job.

I REALLY need to move out of my parents' basement. I have no space here and sleeping in my room is starting to be difficult just because of the constant clutter. I want to get a house but that takes money and I wish I was more stable financially. A teaching job will get me there. What I am doing now, does not.

Speaking of my current job, I may not have it in about a month. Thanks to all of the cuts the state of Idaho is making to stay afloat. The fund that pays my company is getting slashed pretty hard and if the cuts get much deeper, the owner of my agency is closing up shop. I am ambivalent about this other than the fact I am out of a steady income. I could stand a different job and I always seem to be able to find new jobs. I like what I am doing now but I am getting bored with it.

I am just getting bored with everything at the moment.


At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll be right mate. Like Lennon said "Life is what happens when you're making other plans"... or something like that. Moni and I were considering a move back to Japan for a while as well, but we're now leaning towards the scary prospect of home ownership. A bit of a contrast I know. Good luck with your photos mate. keep that creative flame burning. PS. I'm number 10000 on your Blog Patrol. I was waiting for sirens to go off and streamers to fall from the ceiling. Keep your head up legend. Remember, the 007 in Japan novel/film lied to us, "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!" Cheers Legend.


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