A Response To An Odd Request
I have been stepping up my browsing of Craigslist, in search of job openings for when I come back to the States. Tonight, I found a strange one from a family in Boston.
Basically, they are a family of four with two kids and are planning on going on a year long trip around the world next year and want a teacher to come with them to impart nuggets of education to their kids along the way. I have heard of families bringing tutors with them on longer vacations but I have never heard of a modern family requesting one on a trip of this magnitude. Anywho, my curiosity is piqued so I shot an email off to them to introduce myself a tad. Their requirements were pretty simple, they want a licensed teacher(check), someone that is used to and enjoys traveling(big check), someone with a good sense of humor(sure...check), and someone that was free from July of 2008 through July of 2009(I don't have any big plans...check).
Who knows if I will hear back from them but it is a unique offer I figured I should at least look into a little more. If something like this were to go down, I would want to meet the family and especially, the kids way before committing to the ordeal. There is no way I would ever do this with people that were weirdos. It is bad enough to go on week long trips with people I don't like, I can't begin to imagine a year like that. But still...it is an interesting proposition and I think if it were undertaken correctly, it could wind up being a really cool experience for all of the involved parties.
Anywho, I will post if I hear anything back from them.
Be careful. The kids might be obnoxious and the parents might really be looking for a babysitter. You hate that! It also sounds like homeschoolers...uhhh they think they are above everyone else and totally unfit for social activities.
It doesn't look like it is going to matter one way or the other since they never emailed me back. :)
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