Monday, February 20, 2006

On The Roof Again

So, I am sitting on the roof of my apartment again. It is really nice weather today and so I am not even wearing a jacket. And since its nice weather, I have nominated today to be, Air Out Your Futon Day, and I am celebrating by airing out my futon.

Japan being an island and all gets humid, really humid. So to keep mold out of your sleeping area, you must air out you futon every couple of weeks. Futons are also not like you would imagine them being in the States either. They are basically mattress pads that you put on the floor and sleep on. They are not too bad either, I think I still like mattresses but these are not too bad.

To give you an idea of what I sleep on, I have included a pic of my beautiful flowered futons and no, I did not pick these out.

I teach this afternoon but until then, its laundry, futon airing, and dishes for me. I also "liberated" a new piece of furniture. It is a little entertainment center that was sitting out in the hallway a couple of floors below me. I think it was getting thrown out and had definitely not been used in a long long time. I had to clean it pretty good and I think there were mouse droppings in it but I got it all cleaned up and it should be a nice addition to the apartment. It at least has some drawers that I can put stuff in. I also got my bank card today so when I get paid on Friday, I can actually get money....sweet sweet money. After not getting paid for two months, I am ready for a check.

Anywho, I need to get back to laundry and whatnot so I will post again later.


At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mouse Droppings! Hanta Virus! I hope you wore gloves! (isn't this a typical message from a Mom?)

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've finished 46 of 65; hoping to get through 50 by the end of today.

Just thought you might like to know how things are coming along.


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