Monday, December 26, 2005

A Good Christmas

Today was a good day. This is one of the better Christmas days I have had in several years and gifts did not make this day memorable. I think for the first time in a long time, I appreciated the day for what it is supposed to be, a day for families to spend time together and actually celebrate the birth of Christ.

I am not a religious guy, I pray and I believe in God but beyond that, not much else. I think churches for the most part get the whole thing wrong and pollute it with politics. But, I was much more appreciative of my family and the greater spirit of the day. It was quite nice and relaxing. My only wish is that I had a kid that I could make Christmas fun for. I think kids really do make Christmas more entertaining and hopefully someday, I will have a munchkin or two that let me watch them open gifts and watch their faces light up as they get what they asked Santa for.

On the gift side, I did not fair too bad myself. I got some much needed luggage and clothes for my trip. I also got a cool marshmallow gun and my brother gave me a Japan travel guide. All in all, not a bad haul.

Oh oh, one other cool thing....I think. Yesterday, as an early Christmas present I got a $6000.00 check from that lady that said she was going to buy my car. Evidently, she is serious about it. On Tuesday, I will cash the check and hopefully, it will clear. If it does, then its a good day.

Anywho, tomorrow should be cool too. I am going to go do some shopping and then I may be going to the movies with all of my family. I like the holdays. The one thought that is really starting to sink in is that the fact that in a week and a day, I will be on a plane and next Christmas most definitely won't be like this one. As much a I liked this Christmas, I'm ready for the change.


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