Wednesday, October 19, 2005

An Update For A Rather Uneventful Weekend

The title says it all, folks. This weekend, yesterday, and today were pretty friggin' uneventful. The highlight to it all was going to Cottonwood with Demonator, Phyrry, her mom, Vixen, and myself. That was fun and tasty to boot. After dinner we all watch The Life Aquatic and came away rather pleased by that movie. The humor and acting are extremely deadpan but I liked it. If you like Wes Anderson movies, the lastest installment will not disappoint.

Today, I picked up The Warriors for the Xbox and have enjoyed it so far. I think I will get sick of it shortly but I like how close it is to the movie and the fact that it only cost me $6. I have also been playing a lot of Space Empires IV. That game is so small but gives you so much to do; it is a micro-managers paradise.

I work for the rest of the week and am a tad glad to do so. I haven't done much this weekend so at the very least I will get paid to leave the house. I am looking forward to Saturday when we will have a few people over that night to watch some kung-fu movie with a drinking game built into it. I don't know too much more than that but Jake, Vixen, and a couple of others are coming over. It should be fun and I am curious about this movie. Anywho, I will try to post more later this week but nothing has been happening and I hate to post filler with no good news or point. I do these updates just so no one thinks that I have died. :)



At 2:40 PM, Blogger Jacob Whittaker said...

"The Life Aquatic" is maybe the worst movie I have ever sat through.

To fit more pretention into a film would be almost impossible. It is the smart kid of the garbage pile. But I'm glad someone liked it.

At 3:51 AM, Blogger Mogwai said...

Yeah, Demonator wasn't a big fan of it either. Maybe I just really like Bill Murray.

At 3:52 AM, Blogger Killea said...

Hey, I really appreciate comments from real people as opposed to advertising agencies. So thanks! :) You're right about your advice. And that's what I plan on doing. The main problem being, that I'm freakin' scared of asking for what I want and laying it out. But I'm working on changing that.

I liked Life Aquatic also. At least, the part I saw of it. But I was watching it on my laptop and it overheated, so I never got to finish it.



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