Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Bow to Your Sensei!!!

And when I say that, I mean it! Today, I was offered a teaching job in Japan and I will start it January 9, 2006!

The organization that hired me is called, The Peppy Kids Club. They have classrooms in almost every part of Japan except Tokyo and are well established and respected for their English language training that they offer Japanese students. I will be going over to teach English to children ages 3 to 15 for at least thirteen months maybe longer.

I will spend my first two weeks in Nagoya, Japan. Nagoya is a city of a little more than two million people that is a bit South of Tokyo. It is very close to Osaka. The first two weeks I am there, I will be training and learning the PKC cirriculum as well as my way around a good sized Japanese city. In comparison to Nagoya, Tokyo has a population of about 12.2 million people. I am so excited right now I could scream. I am not sure where I will live after I leave Nagoya but I will probably be getting that information soon. What a huge opportunity!

I have always wanted to go to Japan and I have always wanted to teach. Now I am fufilling two dreams in one swift blow. I will also get to take part in the cherry blossom festivals, one life goal I also get to check off. I am so happy right now, I did all of this on my own and I earned this. I am finally doing something with myself and it is what I want to do.

I haven't been this happy in a long long time. No offense to Vixen, but this may even top my first date with her. :) I think I will sleep good tonight and if I don't at least I know why. :)


At 6:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm so happy for you. Keep on blogging while you are over there, okay?

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Mogwai said...

Oh yeah, the blog will actually be entertaining now. Nice pictures, interesting least a tad more interesting than what I am posting will be cool. :)

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go! /me envies your access to Japanese electronics.


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