Back To School
My first class for summer school is in about an hour. I am looking forward to it for a couple of reasons. First, I have been itching to write a paper for a while now so hopefully my wish will be granted. Secondly, my version of taking a class usually entales going to class, finding a spot next to a power outlet, and turning on my laptop. I may take notes, but usually I just play Nintendo emulators or scan the school's IP ranges. You can find all sorts of stuff that way. :)
I am not expecting a ton from this class mainly because BSU classes are not known for being too difficult in the first place and it is summer school to boot. But in the end, I will have my general social studies endorsement. This will also give me a chance to boost my so-so undergrad GPA. I think I will like the class and I am glad it is a step in a positive direction. Who knows, maybe I will meet some hot single chick who likes computer/history nerds. One can only hope. I will post more later, possibly while in class, and let you know how the class is going.
Wait, what? You've gone back to school? Why?
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