Monday, February 21, 2005

Disaster Cleanup

Ok, it was not a disaster and honestly, it didn't make that big of a mess but, the little kegger that we had the other night lasted almost 48 hours. I have gotten to bed before 3am since Friday. So much for my bedtime. :) I will try again tonight.

It was a pretty fun party. I enjoyed seeing a lot of my friends and drinking a tad. I only drank on the first day of the kegger, my body doesn't respond well to sustained drinking. Now, only Dylan and I are left and the house is quiet once more, thank goodness. As much as I like people, sometimes after they get too many drinks in them they tend to talk too much. Some just plain won't shut up. Oh well, it was a party and its not like we have those often.

In other news, I called the BSU career center in an effort to set up a time for them to go over my resume with me. I figured that since the service is free, I may as well take advantage. I still have not applied for that Micron job and it is bothering me. My goal for this week is to apply for that job.


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